Investors focus on quality, affordable housing

by | Aug 17, 2023 | About Real Estate

A little write-up in the Southwest Ledger about myself and other investors in the town of Lawton OK. 

As I told the reporter, I believe it’s imperative for us all to know our housing is taken care of in order to feel secure. With a clean & safe home, we then can focus on becoming a productive and contributing member of the community. 

As an investor, you have to create a symbiotic relationship between landlord/property manager & tenant. By curating the proper culture, you’ll attract the type of tenants that feel good about your space and WANT to take care of it, and they’ll WANT to stay on top of their bills. They’ll take pride in where they are, and they’ll sing your praises to other potential tenants. 

Some people on both sides of this equation see the connection between landlord and tenant as an adversarial one. One where someone is always getting the short end of the stick. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. By all means, be successful and buy all the doors. Create new values and raise that rent. But take care of the stewards of your property while you’re at it. If you do, more often than not, they’ll take care of you as well. 
